
How to Know if Your AC Is Strong Enough for Summer


When is the best time to consider replacing your air conditioner? Well, it’s ideal for your comfort if you get it done while you don’t need it running constantly. While AC replacements don’t take too long—generally between four and eight hours if major modifications aren’t required—it might not be nice to have your air conditioner out of commission all day during extreme heat. Although hot weather seems far off right now, it’s a good time to think about whether your air conditioner is up for another summer. 

There are a variety of factors you should consider during this process. Most importantly, you should think about how your air conditioner performed last summer, and whether you were satisfied with that. Here are some things to think about.

Running Constantly

If your air conditioner’s cooling cycles were near-constant, that could be due to several factors. Changing your air filter, making sure the coils are clean, and checking your ductwork for leaks are good steps to take. But if none of those things help, it may be that your AC unit just isn’t up to the task. Perhaps it’s old and can’t perform the way it once did.

Air conditioners tend to run well for at least 10 years with regular maintenance, but after that, their performance usually drops, and their repair needs increase. If it’s new and has always run this way, it’s likely that it’s simply undersized for the area it’s trying to cool. Not only will a new air conditioner keep you more comfortable, but it will also use less energy to get the job done because it won’t need to run as much of the time.

Hot Spots

If parts of your home were perfectly comfortable last summer, but some rooms just never cooled down, again, this could be caused by a few different things. Damaged ductwork is often the culprit in this scenario, but if your ducts check out, your air conditioner may simply be underperforming. The size or age of the unit could be the real issue.

Utility Bills

An air conditioner decreases in efficiency over the course of a year’s worth of use. Regular maintenance can bring that efficiency back up for many years. However, an old air conditioner or one with a chronic problem that repairs haven’t resolved might be using a lot more energy than you should require to keep your home cool. If your utility bills have been increasing despite annual air conditioner maintenance, it may be time to consider a replacement.

Changes to Your Home

If you’ve put an addition on your home or expanded the living space to include previously unoccupied areas like an attic or garage, the job you need your air conditioner to do has gotten larger. Another consideration is time spent at home. If you previously worked outside the home and are now home more of the time, you might realize you are asking more from your AC unit. If this makes you notice just how constantly it has to run or if it causes an alarming uptick in your utility bills, a new air conditioner could resolve that problem. 

If you’re considering what to do about your air conditioning in Flower Mound, TX, we’ve got you covered. We’ll be happy to help you assess the situation and find solutions that fit your home and your budget. 

Contact PRK Services, Inc. today to find out more about your AC options.

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