
What Ice on Your Heat Pump Means

As you rely on your heat pump to keep you warm this winter, you may notice that there is ice building up on the outside unit of the system. Don’t be alarmed; ice on the system isn’t necessarily a problem.

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The Benefits of Installing a Geothermal System

There are a wide range of home heating systems available on the market today. Each of these systems offers its own set of advantages, but each is suited to a different set of individual circumstances.

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When to Replace Your Furnace

Winter is upon us, and you’re probably relying on your furnace on a more or less daily basis to keep your home warm. If your furnace is already near the end of its life, the added stress of operating on a daily basis can be enough to cause it to break down.

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Furnace Short Cycling, and What to do About it

Have you ever noticed your furnace turning itself on and off every few minutes? If so, you probably have a short cycling problem.

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Why You Should Consider Installing a Ductless Heating System

Winter is not far off, and that means it’s time to get your home heating system in order. If you’re in the market for a new heating system, you’re probably looking at a lot of different options right now.

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Furnace Problems to Watch for

As you start to rely on your furnace more and more in the coming months, you’re going to be putting the system under an increasing amount of stress.

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Why You Should Get Your Heating System Checked this Fall

Fall is here, and winter is coming soon. As we move towards the end of the year, more and more people are going to start turning on their heaters on a daily basis.

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Is Duct Cleaning Worth the Investment?

Of the many home maintenance services you can have done professionally, duct cleaning often sounds like it’s unnecessary, or at least something that can be indefinitely postponed. How dirty can your ducts really get? And since you can’t actually see most of your ductwork, how much of a difference will clean ducts make in your life?

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Is Having a New Furnace Installed Worth the Cost?

If you’re having problems with your existing furnace, you might want to consider replacing it with a new one. A furnace installation here in Highland Village can be provided by a number of qualified companies, and if your old furnace bites the dust, then your move is obvious. But installation can cost quite a bit, and before you embark upon such an operation, you have to ask yourself: is having a new furnace involved worth the cost?

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Why You Should Consider a Geothermal System for Your Flower Mound, TX Home

You may have heard the term “geothermal systems” before. It refers to a unique form of home heating: a means of harnessing the warmth inside the ground itself to help you stay warm in the winter. The earth doesn’t change temperature the way the air does; it maintains a steady constant at all times. A geothermal system takes advantage of that, running a series of tubes through the ground that facilitate a heat exchange and transfer the energy directly into your home.

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