
How a Heat Pump can Help You

We’re moving into heating season, which means now is the perfect time to have a new heating system installed in your home. If you’re looking for a new heating system before winter starts, you’re probably looking at a number of different systems.

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Watch Out for These Heat Pump Problems

If you’re using a heat pump to keep your home cool this summer, you need to be watchful for any problems that may crop up. The more you rely on your heat pump this summer, the more strain it will be put under and the more likely it will be to have issues.

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Beware of Heat Pump Ice

You may notice ice forming on your heat pump this summer. If so, you need to call for repairs right away.

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Why Heat Pumps Need Bi-Annual Maintenance

Summer is here, which means the next few months are going to be pretty stressful for your heat pump. You may think that your system can handle the added strain, especially since you had it professionally checked just a few months ago.

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Why Your Heat Pump is Stuck in Heating Mode

Heat pumps are well known for their ability to switch back and forth between heating and cooling functions. In fact, it’s the primary reason that most homeowners install one in the first place.

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The Role Refrigerant Plays in Your Heat Pump

When you hear the term “heat pump,” you likely don’t think about refrigerant playing a role. However, this is essential to the functionality of your heat pump.

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The Advantages of Installing a Heat Pump

There are a huge number of options available to homeowners in the heating market, far more than in previous decades. While this great variety is good for those who want to shop around and weigh all options before choosing a new system, most people are content to go with a heating system of the same type as the one they had previously.

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Heat Pump Problems to Watch for This Winter

Heat pumps are widely used across the country for their ability to offer both heating and cooling functions. Their unique construction makes them useful as climate control systems, but it also opens them up to a number of problems that other heating systems don’t really have to deal with.

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What Ice on Your Heat Pump Means

As you rely on your heat pump to keep you warm this winter, you may notice that there is ice building up on the outside unit of the system. Don’t be alarmed; ice on the system isn’t necessarily a problem.

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How Are Heat Pumps Installed?

In towns like Lantana TX, heat pump installation remains a viable alternative to traditional gas and oil furnaces. A heat pump works in a manner similar to an air conditioner, circulating refrigerant through a system that first bleeds off its heat (turning it into a liquid) and then uses it to cool the air (by placing the liquid in a series of evaporator coils).

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